Teaching Concept
‘Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model’
—Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
These words reflect the whole idea of what it means to be a teacher. The progress and prosperity of a nation depends upon the development of its human resources. For this purpose, we need highly competent teachers.
Teaching aptitude is all about evaluating candidates who want to enter teaching profession on the basis of their knowledge and skills. It refers to basic qualities required to become a successful teacher. This includes qualification, intelligence, attitude and many other qualities expected from a person who wants to become a successful teacher.
Teaching can be defined in the following ways:
1. Teaching is the purposeful direction and management of the learning process.
2. Teaching is a process of providing opportunities for students to produce relatively permanent change through engagement in experiences provided by the teachers.
3. Teaching is a skilful application of knowledge, experience and scientific principles with an objective to set up an environment to facilitate learning.
4. Teaching is a planned activity and effective teaching depends on the following factors.
(a) How clearly the students understand what they are expected to learn.
(b) How accurately their learning can be measured.
5. Teaching is a process in which the learner, teacher and other variables are organized in a systematic way to attain some predetermined goals.
6. Teaching is an activity that influences a child to learn and acquire desired knowledge and skills and also their desired ways of living in the society.
Basic Teaching Models
There is no basic model of teaching that augurs well for all the situations. Two contrasting models are discussed here; these models separately or in combination could be used for different courses.
1. Pedagogy Model
Pedagogy is a conventional approach. In this method, the instructor, more or less, controls the material to be learned and the pace of learning while presenting the course content to the students. The purpose of this method of learning is to acquire and memorize new knowledge or learn new skills.
Instructor-centred teaching can also be described as ‘pedagogical approach’. Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. It determines ‘how the teaching occurs, the approach to teaching and learning, the way the content is delivered, and what the students learn as a result of the process’.
In pedagogical approach, the learner is dependent upon the instructor for all learning, and the teacher assumes full responsibility for what is taught and how it is learned. The teacher or instructor evaluates the learning processes of the students.
2. Andragogical model
In this model, the learner is mostly self-directed and is responsible for his or her own learning. The students learn best not only by receiving knowledge but also by interpreting it, i.e., learning through discovery and, at the same time, setting the pace of their own learning. In this method, the instructors facilitate the learning of participants and help them by offering opportunities to learn themselves and acquire new knowledge and develop new skills. This type of teaching is also referred to as andragogical approach.
Self-evaluation is also the characteristic of this approach. Andragogical approach is also identified with ‘adult learning.’
Major Shifts in Pedagogy